Interior design:
it doesn’t have to be expensive
The surprising power of small but smart changes
An experienced interior design firm should have a highly refined expertise on how small changes can lead to big improvements. Services like the following can fit within a limited budget and still make a huge impact on your space:
Color Consultation. Get beyond the many misconceptions and misunderstood “rules” of color by consulting an interior designer. As a color expert, an interior designer can bring ideas on color selection that can transform a room in ways you never imagined. An interior designer can even show you innovative ways to handle paint colors for an open floorplan.
Lighting consultation. Lighting can have a profound effect on a room, and yet it’s a notoriously overlooked feature. Would you believe something as simple as your bulb selection can transform the look and feel of a room? Interior designers understand the power of light, and they can share cost-effective ways to create amazing results. (Click here for more information on improving your lighting.)
Selecting furnishings. Interior design doesn’t have to be an “Everything must go!” exercise. Remember that you’re in control of the budget and services. A good designer can work with what you have—and already love—and enhance that by recommending imaginative accent pieces like a stunning work of art, a custom-made coffee table, or a beautifully reupholstered favorite chair.
Space planning. Is a room doing what you really want it to be doing? Obstructed walkways, inefficient space use, an unwelcoming furniture arrangement—problems like these can be solved with the insight of an interior designer. And the improvements could start by just rearranging what you currently have!